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Shaykh al-Islām : ウィキペディア英語版
Shaykh al-Islām

Shaykh al-Islām (Sheikh ul-Islam, Sheikhul Islam, Shaikh al-Islam, Şeyhülislam) is an honorific title used for outstanding scholars of the Islamic sciences 〔Gerhard Böwering, Patricia Crone, Mahan Mirza, The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought, p 509. ISBN 0691134847〕 and was first used in Khurasan towards the end of the 4th Islamic century.〔
Later it became a prestigious position in the Ottoman Empire, that governed religious affairs of the Muslims.〔
The Ottomans had a strict hierarchy of ulama, with the Sheikh ul-Islam holding the highest rank. A Sheikh ul-Islam was chosen by a royal warrant amongst the qadis of important cities. The Sheikh ul-Islam had the power to confirm new sultans, but once the sultan was affirmed, it was the sultan who retained a higher authority than the Sheik ul-Islam. The Sheikh ul-Islam issued fatwas, which were written interpretations of the Quran that had authority over the community. The Sheikh ul-Islam represented the law of shariah and in the 16th century its importance rose which led to increased power. Sultan Murad appointed a Sufi, Yayha, as his Sheikh ul-Islam during this time which led to violent disapproval. The objection to this appointment made obvious the amount of power the Sheikh ul-Islam had, since people were afraid he would alter the traditions and norms they were living under by issuing new fatwas.
After the National Assembly of Turkey was established in 1920, this office was in the Shar’iyya wa Awqaf Ministry until 1924, when the Ministry was abolished due to separation of religion from state, the office was replaced by the Presidency of Religious Affairs. As the successor entity to the office of the Sheikh al-Islam, the Presidency of Religious Affairs is the most authoritative entity in Turkey in relation to Sunni Islam.
== List of scholars who received the title "Shaykh al-Islam" ==
The following Islamic scholars were granted the title "Shaykh al-Islam":
* Abu Talib al-Makki (b. 386 A.H.)
* al-Juwayni〔M. M. Sharif, A History of Muslim Philosophy, 1.242. ISBN 9694073405〕 (b. 419 A.H.)
* Khwaja Abdullah Ansari〔 (b. 481 A.H.)
* Izz al-Din ibn 'Abd al-Salam (b. 577 A.H.)
* Ibn Daqiq al-'Id (b. 625 A.H.)
* al-Nawawi (b. 631 A.H.)
* Ibn Taymiyyah〔Abu Zayd Bakr bin Abdullah, Madkhal al-mufassal ila fiqh al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal wa-takhrijat al-ashab. Riyadh: Dar al 'Aminah, 2007〕 (b. 661 A.H.)
* Taqi al-Din al-Subki 〔Mohammad Hassan Khalil, Islam and the Fate of Others: The Salvation Question, Oxford University Press, 3 May 2012, p 89. ISBN 0199796661〕(b. 683 A.H.)
* Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (b. 773 A.H.)
* Zakariyya al-Ansari (b. 823 A.H.)
*Molla Şemseddin Fenari (1424–1430)
*Kemalpashazade Ahmed Shamsaddin Efendi (1526–1534)
*Ebussuud Efendi (1545–1574)
*Hoca Sadeddin Efendi (1598–1599)
*Hacı Halil Efendi (1819–1821)
*Mehmet Cemaleddin Efendi (1891–1909)

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